Common Unity Elysian Gardens Button 1 Button 2


This Planet IS the Temple

A Church Without Walls

Mar is a Universal Life Church minister who agrees with the church credo: "We are all children of the same Universe."

ULC is non-denominational church, accepting all religions (and no religion) because we are all united through our Human experience in this Universe. As beings on this planet, we can choose to be stewards--taking care of it, because we can, because it's our home, because we cherish it.

Common Unity Elysian Gardens is Mar's heART.

Elysium rising...we may each contribute to restoring paradise, as we engage our free will to be of service within our respective reality tunnels...merging together to create a hOMe space that is deliberately kind and supportive.

Mar's ministry is Self-Care.

They share "Elementally Intuitive Movement for Mobility" every 1st Wednesday of the month at Sana Vida, in Marble Falls. Register at on the Events page--space is limited to 12 each session.

Growing a Flow-er Garden


The Common Unity Elysian Gardens started with the desire to foster more physical gardens in the encourage people to plant food, instead of ornamentals or educate people about food forests and provide resources so people may grow them. 

Then Mar recognized that their ministry is sharing flow arts-based self-care. Money is not required.

 It's through self-care that we are able to grow gardens or provide community support, in whichever way we feel inspired to be of service.

We aren't likely to have the bandwidth to support others well, if we don't take care of ourselves.

Flow Arts provides multiple benefits: it's a moving meditation, play therapy, and functional movement training that engages intuition and creativity, while regulating our nervous systems. Supporting core strength, balance, ambidextrousness, mobility and flexibility.
Engaging the Flow State.

It's fun to practice alone; and the benefits are amplified when we gather together and practice in a group, thanks to co-regulation and mirror neurons. 

Building community through the common desire to be of service to self, other, and planet... is the goal of Common Unity Elysian Gardens.

Nourishing Ourselves

Help feed others. 

If you have the resources, please contribute to organizations that feed people.  Donate food. 

Buy a meal for someone who looks like they need it.

Feed your soul through service. 

However you want to--choose to.

If you feel that your resources aren't enough to help much here, then look and see how you can help abroad--our dollars can provide more, in other countries.

People need food all over the world.

Seek and ye shall find.

The way to serve may find you.

Growing Gardens

If you have the space for it, and feel so inclined, grow more gardens and don't establish lawns.

Xeriscape when living in drought-prone areas, choosing to grow that which thrives well with little water.

Practice planetary stewardship by choosing flowering plants that feed bees and birds, if you don't want to grow food.

If you don't enjoy gardening but have the space and water resources, allow trusted members of your community to garden on your property. 

Grow bonds based in deliberate service to the planet and its creatures.

Engage free will together.


Sharing Flow

Mar developed a Flow Arts-based movement program (with encouragement from a friend), realizing the benefits they gained from regular practice could serve others--especially those experiencing chronic pain, who prefer a gentler way to care for their vessels. 

Some of us are in the chronic pain fleet, and thus require more spaceship maintenance if we want to be of service without burning out.

Flow Arts practice provides a fun way to gather together and share self-care.

Mar gives away MYOhoops* as part of their ministry--putting a flow guide into the hands of those willing to receive. 

*Make Your Own Myofascial hoop and Mobilize Your Only body...because we only get one.